Monday, May 23, 2011

Came down with a case of case work

Adjournment discussion went on for a little bit today but only when David was in the office. One of his friends, Ann Widdecombe, who was a previous MP came in today. She had the office David had before he moved in there. Get this: she was on the UK's version of Dancing with the Stars which is called Strictly Come Dancing last season.  She was so sweet and funny.

Organized a lot of the constituency files today. The files aren't necessarily all over the gaff; there's just so many files. And paperclips!

The main thing that all of us did was case work. Lots. of. it.

It amazes me how many of David's constituents take the time to write to him. Of the maybe 200 issues that I read about and wrote response letters to constituents today, there were 2-3 issues that had multiple people writing a complaint to. It shows how these people really make to a  point. In their letters, they try to make a single coherent point. While the number of people writing in is in a vast amount, its evident how these constituents want to give an example of how a certain legislation or borough application will personally effect them. Its the truth that if no one complains about something, then councils are going to think that everything is alright. Therefore it is important the constituents feel comfortable writing to their MPs. This is a trademark of David's MP role. Now, I will say the constituency concerns came in a great variety. From wiping out badgers to prevent TD spread to the UK's membership in the EU. 

Security is beginning to tighten up around Parliament. Barricades were going up today all around the palace. We spotted a Black Hawk helicopter form the office window. Can only imagine what Tuesday and Wednesday's security implementations are going to be. What I know for sure is that my office has the best view of it all.


Just got back from O'Neills; one of our favorite places in Piccadilly Circus. The bouncer at the front door loves me apparently. Insists upon giving me a hug when I enter and leave. The band that plays on Monday nights is fantastic! Played the same set as last Monday but regardless they are a great band. Really get things to liven up. I was surprised I even made it out of the house, I was feeling incredibly knackered from such a long day of interning. 

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