Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Goodness Gracious Me

Where did another school year go? It's hard to wrap my mind around being a junior in college in the fall. I certainly learned a lot this year about myself and others. There are a handful of people I didn't know this time last year that came to the surface this year and I am forever changed by the wonderful friendships we have between one another. I truly believe that much of the good that came from this year had to do with them, you all know who you are! =) I really grew in my faith as well this year, thanks to the amazing spiritual and religious based support on campus. As for academics, I learned so much! More so second semester than first. This past semester  I took 6 courses with lots of reading, projects and papers. Making it through all of those assignments and finals taught me that I do have the vigor to persevere and push myself. 

The end of the school year though was (or continues to be) bittersweet. I am so close to the 2011 seniors and I am really sad to see them leave campus. Luckily some of them will be returning to DC for jobs, graduate school and such. Also, as many of you know, junior year of college is when many students do semester abroad. So another "bitter" of approaching junior year, is that I am going to be away from one of my best friends at CUA for a whole semester. She is going to Oxford in the fall and I am really going to miss her! Yet, I am so proud of her achievement and know that she is going to have an amazing time. So that is what makes me happy!

With growing up comes new opportunities. And for this summer, that is definitely true...

This summer I will be interning for a member of Parliament in London. While I am there, I will be set to a number of tasks; the day to day running of the office, dealing with correspondence, carrying out research for my MP, and attending events alongside him. I am really looking to a constituency visit that I will be going on with my MP. It's going to be a great opportunity to see the area that he represents and give me an idea of what he does while I am there. I also get to observe both the House of Commons and the House of Lords in session, Committee proceedings, and Adjournment debates. Seeing casework in action? So cool! Since I am earning academic credit for the program, I also attend a weekly seminar with one of my CUA professors with the instruction of another professor (who happens to be a "Lord")...yeah I know! Okay that's it for now about the logistics!

My true hope for this summer is to definitely explore Parliament and its workings, London and the UK, and learn more about myself. Also, I really want to have fun! I sometimes get so wrapped up in the "professional" aspect of tasks and such. Of course, I want to keep that backbone of responsibility. But its definitely time to cheer up a tad more and have lots of fun while doing so! I hope you will follow me as I embark on this new journey as a Passionate and Posh Parliament Intern.


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